Monday, November 19, 2012

Mindset Monday 11/19- Know WHY You Want To Achieve!

You may have heard the saying, “if you can find a big enough WHY, you will figure out HOW.” You just won the lottery and bought a high performance sports car. What kind of fuel do you put in it- Regular, Diesel, Premium? The fuel you use to power your vehicle will certainly have an impact on how efficiently it runs. You may want to win a drag race, but it is not enough to have a goal if you are going to disregard the fuel you will use. What does this have to do with YOU? Your WHY is the fuel that will empower or disempower you en route to YOUR PERSONAL GOALS. Your WHY must be clear and sound. To win OR be the best OR beat someone else CANNOT be your main WHY. Why? ;) Because your orientation is based on outcomes and others. Your WHY must be internal. Process oriented, Self directed. Some good WHYs for achieving your goals: -You love what you do -You want to be the best you can be -God asks for your best effort These are the equivalent of Premium fuel for your sports car. They are PROCESS-oriented and SELF-directed. It is okay to want to be the best at something, to win, and to beat someone else. Competition can bring out your best. But this should not be your primary reason to achieve your goals. Outcome and Others Orientation often fail people during times of adversity. We all feel good when things are going well, but things quickly change mentally when times get tough. I am splitting hairs with this because you need emotional and mental immunity for these tough times if you want to persist and become a champion and ultimately achieve your goals. Z-Fanatical endorses 3 pillars of Fitness, which are very clear and sound WHYs: (1) Intensity (2) Consistency (3) Constant Improvement. These pillars or WHYs are excellent philosophies to live by enroute to any GOAL. Stay tuned for the next few weeks where I will elaborate on each of the 3 pillars. Or, if you can’t wait- purchase the ebook “The Z-Factor” for under $10 at: Stay Fanatical! Gene Zannetti Owner of Z-Fanatical Fitness Personal Trainer, One-on-One Mindset Consultant & Motivational Speaker (908) 337-6143

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